Hello Jump Rope Enthusiasts!
In an effort to expose athletes, parents, families and friends to the fun, enriching world of competitive jump rope Hurricane Jumpers will host a Fun Mini Tournament. We will be mixing it up from fun inspiring events to traditional events; from novice to experienced skilled athletes and from kids through adults.
Join us have some jumping fun!!!
Jump Rope Tournament
Tournament 4:30pm
Check in: 3:30 – 4:00pm
Pre-Tournament: 4pm warm up; 4:30pm line up; 4:35pm events demo
Awards: 6:45pm – top 5 places in each age division in each event
Complete the registration form below
[gview file=”http://hurricanejumpers.com/hj/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/MiniTournamentRegistrationOct2015.pdf”]