Jump Rope is the least expensive, fastest growing, performance sport pursuing Olympic competition. Everyone regardless of age or gender can participate in this FUN obesity combating activity using minimal equipment. Jump rope provides the greatest versatility and quickest success rates any athlete can achieve! You truly have to see it to believe it!
a.k.a. Rope Skipping and/or Double Dutch
Learn to jump rope and double dutch!
Click here to check out information on classes in your area!
Jump Ropes’ history dates back thousands of years with people twisting hemp into ropes and jumping over them to get from one end of the manufacturing yard to the other. Since then, Richard Cendali Physical Education Teacher in Boulder, Colorado, and the late David Walker & Ulysses Williams Police Officers in New York City, New York started children jumping rope in the late 60’s early 70’s all over the world. More on history on www.FISAC.org and www.NDDL.org
Richard Cendali skipit_coach@comcast.net |
Lauren Walker Lauren@nddl.org |
Jump Ropes Leagues
AAU = Amateur Athletic Union hosts the AAU Junior Olympics Jump Rope was initiated into the AAU Family of Sports in 1995 Contact – www.AAUSports.org |
USA JR = USA Jump Rope the sport of jump ropes National Governing Body (NGB) recognized by the International Olympic Committee (I.O.C.) hosts NATIONALS Founded in 1995 Contact – www.usajumprope.org |
NDDL = National Double Dutch League hosts The Holiday Classic at The Apollo Theater in New York every December stated in 1974. Began 1992 www.NDDL.org |
FISAC–IRSF = Federation Internationale de Saute a la Corde—International Rope Skipping Federation Hosts bi-annual WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS Formulated in 1996 www.FISAC-IRSF.org |
Purchase Jump Ropes
Purchase ropes through (in no special order):
Buy Jump Ropes.net Matt Hopkins 800-337-2138 matt@buyjumpropes.net Flight Crew Jump Rope Lee Reisig (Original Summerwind Skippers – AGT & Saltare Fame) 406-209-7520 www.flightcrewjumprope.com Jumprope.com (smaller heavier beads) 1-877-870-JUMP www.jumprope.com Jump N Rope, Inc. (patented handles) Molly Metz (Original Skip It) Mad Hops/JumpNRope www.jumpnrope.com |
National Double Dutch League Official NDDL Competition Ropes www.nddl.org – (store) R.E.C. Enterprises (Original) Richard Cendali – Skip Its 303-817-2941 skipit_coach@comcast.net Rocky Mountain Sports 800-525-2852 www.rms.jumprope.com RPM Fitness Los Gatos, CA 95032 www.rpmfitness.com Sportime Catalog 1-800-283-5700 www.sportime.com |
* pcs. | 8 ft (blue) short handled vinyl/pvc (licorice) speed rope |
* pcs. | 9 ft (red) short handled vinyl/pvc (licorice) speed rope |
# sets | 10 ft. (black) long handled orange and white vinyl double dutch ropes |
# sets | 12, 14, or 16 ft. (blue) short handled orange and white vinyl double dutch ropes |
+ pcs. | 9 ft. beaded ropes |
+ pcs. | 10 ft. beaded ropes |
5 sets | 12, 14 or 16 ft. beaded or cloth double dutch ropes |
*= usually one per participant | |
#= can be used for individual teenage/adult participants plus double dutch | |
+= can be used for individual, partner and double dutch |
Short ropes, long handles & beaded ropes ratio should be:1 of each rope/1 participantPartner ropes (9 ft & 10 ft) ratio should be 1 rope/2 participants
Double dutch ropes (10 ft, 12 ft, 14ft and 16 ft) ratio should be 1set of ropes/4 participants
Speed Balls can be used as an additional training tools
Counters/Clickers can be purchased at your local office supply store